8086 Architecture
• The 8086 has two parts, the Bus Interface Unit (BIU) and the
Execution Unit (EU).
• The BIU fetches instructions, reads and writes data, and computes the
20-bit address.
• The BIU contains the following registers:
IP - the Instruction Pointer
CS - the Code Segment Register
DS - the Data Segment Register
SS - the Stack Segment Register
ES - the Extra Segment Register
The BIU fetches instructions using the CS and IP, written CS:IP, to contract the 20-bit address.
Data is fetched using a segment register (usually the DS)
and an effective address (EA) computed by the EU depending on the
addressing mode.
The EU contains the following 16-bit registers:
AX - the Accumulator
BX - the Base Register
CX - the Count Register
DX - the Data Register
SP - the Stack Pointer \ defaults to stack segment
BP - the Base Pointer /
SI - the Source Index Register
DI - the Destination Register
These are referred to as general-purpose registers, although, as seen by
their names, they often have a special-purpose use for some instructions.
The AX, BX, CX, and DX registers can be considers as two 8-bit registers, a
High byte and a Low byte.
This allows byte operations and compatibility with
the previous generation of 8-bit processors, the 8080 and 8085. 8085 source
code could be translated in 8086 code and assembled.
The 8-bit registers are:
AX --> AH,
BX --> BH,BL
CX --> CH,CL
DX --> DH,DL
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